Orange juice, chilled, includes from concentrate, with added calcium and vitamins A, D, E
Fruits and Fruit Juices > Orange juice, chilled, includes from concentrate, with added calcium and vitamins A, D, E > Nutritional Values Per 100 Grams
Acerola, (west indian cherry), raw
Fruits and Fruit Juices > Orange juice, chilled, includes from concentrate, with added calcium and vitamins A, D, E > Nutritional Values Per 100 Grams
Fruits and Fruit Juices > Juice, apple and grape blend, with added ascorbic acid > Nutritional Values Per 100 Grams
Fruits and Fruit Juices > Juice, apple, grape and pear blend, with added ascorbic acid and calcium > Nutritional Values Per 100 Grams
Fruits and Fruit Juices > Kiwifruit, gold, raw > Nutritional Values Per 100 Grams Actinidia chinensis
Fruits and Fruit Juices > Plantains, green, fried > Nutritional Values Per 100 Grams tostones de platano
Fruits and Fruit Juices > Plantains, yellow, fried, Latino restaurant > Nutritional Values Per 100 Grams platanos maduros
Fruits and Fruit Juices > Nance, canned, syrup, drained > Nutritional Values Per 100 Grams yellow cherries
Fruits and Fruit Juices > Nance, frozen, unsweetened > Nutritional Values Per 100 Grams yellow cherries Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth
Fruits and Fruit Juices > Naranjilla (lulo) pulp, frozen, unsweetened > Nutritional Values Per 100 Grams Solanum quitoense Lam.
Fruits and Fruit Juices > Horned melon (Kiwano) > Nutritional Values Per 100 Grams African horned melon Cucumis metulifer
Fruits and Fruit Juices > Orange Pineapple Juice Blend > Nutritional Values Per 100 Grams
Fruits and Fruit Juices > Mango nectar, canned > Nutritional Values Per 100 Grams